AIR - China's Premier wants to declare "war on pollution" as smog becomes extra horrible

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang made remarks about the country's huge pollution problems during what could be described as China’s equivalent of the State of the Union address in the US .. ...
ANIMALS - 3-D scans map widespread fish disease

Seventy-five percent of antibiotics in Danish fish farms is used to treat fish with enteric redmouth disease. With the help of 3-D scans, researchers have mapped how the fish are infected with the bacterium. The disease, which reduces fish well being and increases fish mortality in Danish fish farms, is harmless to humans .. ...
ANIMALS - Just How Much Do Dogs Bark When Left Home Alone?

New data provides information about how much an average dog barks in an eight hour day when left alone. The barking rate also seems to depend upon the age and sex of the mor .. ...
ANIMALS - New structure in dogs' eye linked to blinding retinal diseases

Vision scientists report that dogs have an area of their retina that strongly resembles the human fovea. What's more, this retinal region is susceptible to genetic blinding diseases in dogs just as it is in humans .. ...
ANIMALS - What bat brains might tell us about human brains

Could a new finding in bats help unlock a mystery about the human brain? Likely so, say researchers at Georgetown University Medical Center who have shown that a small region within the amygdala, an almond-shaped structure in the brains of all mammals, is responsible for producing emotional calls and sounds. They say this discovery might be key to locating a similar center in human brains .. ...
ART - Astoundingly Beautiful Concept Art from The Fifth Element

A number of brilliant artists contributed their unique vision to The Fifth Element, including Gaultier and Moebius. But one of the main influences on the film was Jean-Claude Mezieres, the comics artist whose time-travel comic director Luc Besson is adapting . Check out some of Mezieres' original Fifth Element concept art right here.
BIRDS - Birdsong is not all about sexual selection: Female birds sing much more often than previously thought

In 71 percent of all songbird species with available data, the female sings, too. This is remarkable because in the wake of Darwin’s theory of evolution, birdsong has generally been seen as a characteristic of male birds, allowing them to compete with other males and attract females. The exciting question now is how females apparently repeatedly lost their song in the course of evolution. Why did they stop singing in some lineages, but not in
CLIMATE - A World of Water, Seen From Space

Space agencies across the planet launch the most ambitious plan yet to understand how the world’s water works.The GPM Core satellite launches from Japan on Thursday, February 27. Bill Ingalls/NASA.Late last week, from a launch pad at the Tanegashima Space Center in southern Japan, a rocket shot toward space. Nestled inside it was an amalgam of solar arrays and communications equipment and propulsion instruments, all of them cobbled together in
CLIMATE - Citizen Scientists: Now You Can Link the UK Winter Deluge To Climate Change

Anyone with a computer can now join an Oxford University research project to reveal what role global warming played the UK’s record-breaking wet winter.Flooding in Surrey, UK. Ben Cawthra/Eyevine/eyevine/ZUMA“You can’t link climate change to specific weather events.” That is the accepted wisdom that has been trotted out repeatedly as the wettest winter in at least 250 years battered England and Wales. But the accepted wisdom is wrong:
CLIMATE - Here Are 5 Infuriating Examples of Facts Making People Dumber

The notorious “backfire effect” has now been captured in multiple studies.Alex E. Proimos/Wikimedia CommonsOn Monday, I reported on the latest study to take a bite out of the idea of human rationality. In a paper just published in Pediatrics, Brendan Nyhan of Dartmouth and his colleagues showed that presenting people with information confirming the safety of vaccines triggered a “backfire effect,” in which people who already distrusted vaccines a ...
EARTH - Clue to earthquake lightning mystery

Mysterious lightning flashes that appear to predict earthquakes could be sparked by movements in the ground below, scientists say .. ...
EDUCATION - How to give young people a free college education (and no, its not a MOOC)
What if you could use the free cultural resources of a city, plus the web and shards of donated time from academics, to create a “free university”? – what if you could draw together what’s already out there into a series of undergraduate/college level courses for young school-leavers and workers who would otherwise be priced out of the higher education market altogether?That’s what Jonny Mundey and Barbara Gunnell set out to do when they founded ...
EDUCATION - Mom shares teacher's 'brilliant' secret for fighting bullying, easing loneliness

Glennon Doyle Melton calls it a “brilliant Love Ninja strategy,” and she proudly told the world about it.Melton, a writer and mother of three, learned about the secret method her son’s fifth teacher uses to help prevent bullying one day when she went to the teacher for math help. .. ...
EDUCATION - The crazy things we say to our kids, illustrated

Nathan Ripperger, 30, does graphic design and video production work in his hometown of Dubuque, Iowa. He’s also the father of four boys — Noah, 9; Owen, 6; Micah, 4; and Liam, 3.The boys are a great source of inspiration to their creative dad.
ENERGY - 2014 Clean Energy Challenge: $500,000 Business Plan Competition Takes Place April 3 in Chicago
CHICAGO, Mar 04, 2014 — Clean Energy Trust today named the 16 startup companies that will compete in the fourth annual Clean Energy Challenge, a $500,000 business plan competition that takes place April 3 in Chicago. Independent evaluators with expertise in clean energy selected 10 early-stage companies, representing six states, to vie for the $100,000.. .. ...
ENERGY - California, NYC and Kauai Unleash Energy Storage With New Incentives and RFPs

Despite the theoretical demand for grid-scale energy storage, in the real world, it has proven to be a difficult commodity to value. But whether it be by PUC mandate or by forward-thinking utilities, we've seen a small surge of energy storage solicitations that can be read as part of an attempt to figure out where energy storage fits into the grid and how to pay for it. These RFPs are a strong indicator of how and where utilities value energy st ...
ENERGY - Can you guess which country may stop investing in fossil fuels?

When an entire country divests from dirty power, it sends a powerful signal to the markets. Especially when that country is a petrostate .. ...
ENERGY - Craft Brewery Combines Beer, Classic Cars, Biodiesel, and Renewable Energy
When you combine a Canadian craft brewery powered by 100% clean energy that hauls its product in biodiesel-fueled tractor trailers, delivers the brewskis in a fleet of restored classic American trucks, and diverts 95% of the waste from its operations, you get a truly green beer company.Steam Whistle Brewing is setting the bar high for sustainable breweries, and serving as a great example of how companies can continue to do what they do best while ...
ENERGY - Tim Flannery says coal communities are being kept in dark about dangers

Climate scientist wants the inquiry into the health effects of wind turbines to also look at mines and firesHelen Davidso .. ...
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ENVIRONMENT - A wristband for a different kind of cause ... environmental health

From 'Livestrong' to 'Purple Paws,' trendy wristbands have come to represent causes from cancer to ending cruelty to animals. Add a new wristband of a different sort: one that could close the loop on determining the potential disease risks of exposure to substances like pesticides .. ...
ENVIRONMENT - Greenpeace protests Europe's ageing nuclear plants

Greenpeace activists broke into the grounds of nuclear plants in six European countries Wednesday, urging governments to close down ageing reactors on safety grounds .. ...
ENVIRONMENT - United Nation Environment Programme announces the 2014 theme of World Environment Day

Vote today for your favorite slogan .. ...
FASHION - Best of bizarre style: Paris Fashion Week

When it comes to the French, it's all about fashion and drama. At Paris Fashion Week Autumn / Winter 2014 (Feb. 25-Mar. 5), designers sent fun, theatrical (and several severe) ensembles down the runway. .. ...
FURNITURE - Retrotastic Furniture Made from Amazing Old Suitcases and Trunks

Instead of chucking out all those old trunks and suitcases, these designers have turned them into incredible pieces of furniture. We love these weird comfy chairs, desks and drawers that snap closed, and tables made of trunks that once crossed the country on steam trains.
GARDENS - Aquaponics Kit Turns 10-Gallon Aquariums into Gardens
The next generation of home food production may include an aquaponics component, especially for those who want to (or need to, because of space issues) stack functions, which is a key piece of permaculture-based systems. Aquaponics, for those who aren’t hip to the concept, is “closed loop” system, which uses plants and fish together, with each one benefiting from the other. In an aquaponics system, the waste created by the fish is broken down by ...
GARDENS - Student-designed kit turns 10 gallon aquariums into aquaponic gardens

There are a lot of people who keep fish as pets. What if they all started to grow their own food too .. ...
HOMES - 11 ways for apartment people to save money and the environment

Being green has a bad reputation for being expensive, but it can actually save you money .. ...
MOVIES - Confused by True Detective? These graphics can help

Need a scorecard to keep track of all the characters in True Detective? Want to know the path Rust took through the Hoston Projects in that stunning single-shot sequence? One fan has created a series of graphics that helps illuminate the series.
MOVIES - Movies To See While Depressed

We all mentioned that the mainstream belief is that we would be triggered into uncontrolled depression if we saw anything sad; so, we should be watching comedies to help us get out of the depression. We concluded that we prefer sad movies because it helps us to explore the richness of the experience and become more clear about it; comedies seem inappropriate for the state.
PERMACULTURE - Remote sensing moisture model could aid farmers

Global farmers could get better decision-making help as refinements are made to North Alabama soil moisture modeling research being done by an atmospheric science doctoral student. The models, using satellite data, indicate how much added moisture would be needed in a given area versus historical data to achieve various crop yields, and they could aid in making expensive infrastructure investments by helping to determine their economic viability ...
PERMACULTURE - This Giant Floating Farm Uses Melting Icebergs To Bring Local Food To Greenland
As glaciers melt at record speeds due to climate change, some (often questionable) startups are beginning to harvest the melting freshwater, bottle it up, and ship it off to distant grocery store shelves. But then there are ideas like this one: Why not use the nutrient-rich water to help grow local food for Greenland, which currently ships in almost all of its produce from overseas .. ...
PLANTS - Hop leaves -- discarded in beer brewing -- have substances that could fight dental diseases

Beer drinkers know that hops are what gives the drink its bitterness and aroma. Recently, scientists reported that the part of hops that isn't used for making beer contains healthful antioxidants and could be used to battle cavities and gum disease. Researchers say that they've identified some of the substances that could be responsible for these healthful effects .. ...
PLANTS - Maize and bacteria: A 1-2 punch knocks copper out of stamp sand

Scientists are working toward a simple, practical way to remediate mine waste laced with copper and other toxic elements. And, they are shedding light on the inner workings of the plants and bacteria that do the cleanup .. ...
SCIENCE - Rough surface could keep small electronic parts from sticking together

When a piece of gift-wrapping tape sticks to itself, it's frustrating, but when small parts in a microgear or micromotor stick together, an electronic device may not work well, if at all. Scientists now report that rough zinc oxide coatings can prevent tiny silicon parts from adhering to each other. The study could accelerate the development of even more advanced, high-performance electronics and small sensors .. ...
SCIENCE - Seeking quantum-ness: D-Wave chip passes rigorous tests

D-Wave quantum processor passes tests indicating that it uses special laws of quantum mechanics to operate. A key task for researchers has been to determine whether D-Wave processors operate as hoped -- using the special laws of quantum mechanics to offer potentially higher-speed processing, instead of operating in a classical, traditional way .. ...
SCIENCE - The future of bioplastic could come from shrimp shells and wood flour

A new type of bioplastic made from an abundant resource, shrimp shells, can fully biodegrade in two weeks, releasing nutrients that support plant growth .. ...
SCIENCE - Ultra sensitive detection of radio waves with lasers

Radio waves are used for many measurements and applications, for example, in communication with mobile phones, MRI scans, scientific experiments and cosmic observations. But 'noise' in the detector of the measuring instrument limits how sensitive and precise the measurements can be. Now researchers have developed a new method where they can avoid noise by means of laser light and can therefore achieve extreme precision of measurements .. ...
SPACE - A small step toward discovering habitable Earths

For the first time, astronomers have used the same imaging technology found in a digital camera to take a picture of a planet far from our solar system with an Earth-based telescope. The accomplishment is a small step toward the technology astronomers will need in order to characterize planets suitable for harboring life .. ...
SPACE - Huge asteroid to whiz near Earth today

A massive asteroid will be hurtling past Earth today, and it's expected to sail past a bit closer than the moon does .. ...
SUSTAINABILITY - Wanderlust: Yoga, Art, Mindfulness, and Sustainability
Wanderlust’s second Oahu festival took place the weekend of March 1st on the fabled North Shore at Turtle Bay Resort. Andrea Bertoli of Vibrant Wellness Journal and I were graciously treated to a press pass to the event, giving us access to yoga classes, nature walks, educational “talk story” sessions with local progressive leaders, and social events catering to the yoga demographic.We sat down with co-founders Jeff Krasno and Sean Hoess to discu ...
TREES - Climate change: Improving heat tolerance in trees

Is it possible to improve tolerance of trees to high temperatures and other types of stress derived of climate change? Scientists are studying the tolerance of trees using molecular and biotechnological tools. Biologists succeeding in making popular trees significantly more tolerant to high temperatures, drought, and the presence of weed-killers .. ...
URBAN - Beyond the Data: How to Succeed in Building Efficiency Analytics

In the past, energy was seen simply as an input that was hard to measure in detail and always ended in a high cost. That perception has changed, and energy is now an entity that is deeply understood and can be managed in a methodical way. Much of what led to this shift in thinking is the big data movement. Data is more available, granular and affordable to store in large quantities. This opens all kinds of doors when it comes to analysis. Techno ...
WIND - First Offshore Wind Project Proposed for the West Coast of the United States
PORTLAND, Oregon – On the heels of President Obama’s State of the Union address where he laid out actions to move the economy toward clean energy sources, reduce carbon pollution and create jobs, Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell has followed up with an announced an important step forward for the first offshore wind project.. .. ...
WORK - U.S. Clean Jobs Index Shows More Than One Million Clean Energy Jobs Exist
Denver, Colorado —Ecotech Institute’s Clean Jobs Index, a tool to compare states’ use and development of clean energy, found more than one million job postings in the clean energy sector from July 1, 2013 through September 30, 2013. This shows a 54 percent increase in needed clean energy employees, evidence that the sector is rapidly.. .. ...
WORK - What Are the Top Green Jobs for 2014?
Denver, Colorado. – Green jobs are on the rise, and 2014 is slated to be a great year for growth in the sustainable energy sector, according to Ecotech Institute. The Ecotech Institute Clean Jobs Indexhas become a valuable tool in measuring and disclosing the reality of green jobs and other sustainability factors across the United States... .. ...
WRITE - New Yale Younger Poet brings alive the people and landscapes of the South
Alabama native Ansel Elkins, whose work often explores the scenery and people of the South, has been named the 2014 Yale Younger Poet. .. ...
WRITE - Newsweek's print revival starts Friday

Newsweek magazine, online only since the end of 2012, will return to print starting Friday in the United States and Europe .. ...
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