ANIMALS - Insect repellent: Scientists find insect DEET receptors, develop safe alternatives to DEET

Researchers have identified DEET-detecting olfactory receptors in insects that cause repellency and three safe compounds that mimic DEET and could one day be used to prevent the transmission of deadly vector-borne diseases. Until now, no one had a clue about which olfactory receptor insects used to avoid DEET. Without the receptors, it was impossible to apply modern technology to design new repellents to improve upon DEET .. ...
ANIMALS - Insects modify mating behavior in anticipation of storms

Insects modify calling and courting mating behavior in response to changes in air pressure .. ...
ANIMALS - Tears for fears: Juvenile mice secrete a protective pheromone in their tears, blocking adult mating

While looking for novel pheromones that can control different instinctive mouse behaviors, researchers have discovered a pheromone found only in the tears of young mice. Their experiments showed that this molecule protects prepubescent mice from mating activity by adult male mice. The research provides the first step toward a detailed understanding of how a sensory system can regulate social behavior .. ...
ART - Model for Chicago Picasso sculpture could fetch $35 million: Christie's

CHICAGO (Reuters) - A model for the cubist sculpture that Pablo Picasso gave to the city of Chicago could fetch as much as $35 million when it is sold at auction next month - a record for a sculpture.. .. ...
ART - The World's Best Corporate Art Collections

Hundreds if not thousands of companies collect art?but only a few make an art of collecting .. ...
CLIMATE - Latest IPCC Climate Report Puts Geoengineering in the Spotlight

Attempts to counter global warming by modifying Earth's atmosphere have been thrust into the spotlight following last week's report from the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on...-- Read more on .. ...
EARTH - New Species Found in 'Tropical Eden': Photos
A mountainous region of southeastern Suriname, which some believe has the world's most beautiful and pristine forest, is home to 60 new-found species .. ...
ENERGY - How turning manure into plastic could economize one type of energy production

Dairy is a big industry in Idaho. That brings certain byproducts, including manure. Lots of manure.While pursuing his PhD, University of Idaho civil engineering professor Erik Coats became interested in resource recovery, particularly when it comes to plastic. It turned out that pursuit dovetailed very nicely with Idaho’s wealth of manure.“(University of) Idaho is a land grant university. Part of the land grant mission is to respond to the needs ...
ENVIRONMENT - New leak at crippled Fukushima nuclear plant: TEPCO

A new radioactive water leak has been discovered at Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear plant, its operator said on Wednesday, according to Japanese news agencies .. ...
ENVIRONMENT - Radioactive Wastewater From Fracking Is Found in a Pennsylvania Stream
submitted by bezly [link] [25 comments .. ...
FASHION - Juba Journal: On Fashion Runway, South Sudan Takes Steps Toward a National Identity

With her fashion shows, Akuja de Garang is trying to change perceptions of South Sudan, including those of its own people, even as interethnic tension and violence persist .. ...
MOVIES - British Film Institute to launch streaming video service on October 9th

The British Film Institute promised that it would put 10,000 movies online as part of the Film Forever initiative, and it's now making good on its word -- if slowly. The Institute will launch the first phase of its BFI Player streaming service on October 9th with a library of more than 1,000 videos, including movies, behind-the-scenes clips and archival footage. About 60 percent of the content will be free, with the rest available as pay-per-vie ...
SCIENCE - New technique traces ejected electrons back to atomic shells

( —In a detailed study of how intense light strips electrons from atoms, researchers used an X-ray laser, SLAC's Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS), to measure and sort the ejected electrons and discover how this process takes place .. ...
SPACE - Mars was once home to giant volcanoes, scientists find

Findings raise questions about conditions on the planet and whether or not it could have harboured microbial lifeAncient Mars was home to giant volcanoes capable of eruptions a thousand times more powerful than the one that shook Mount St Helens in 1980, scientists have said.The finding raises fresh questions about conditions on Mars in its early years, a time when scientists believe the planet was much more Earth-like, with a thick atmosphere, w ...
TREES - Death of a spruce tree: Study of black spruce forest means trees might store more carbon than thought

Examining a long-lived forest, researchers have found that Black Spruce trees, which dominate the northern forests of North America, succumb about five years after being weakened by environmental stresses. Without rejuvenating fire, the dead trees aren't being replaced by new ones. The result will help researchers better understand how climate change affects the health of forests, and how forests affect the severity of climate change. The study a ...
URBAN - Critic’s Notebook: Next Time, Libraries Could Be Our Shelters From the Storm

As the New York region prepares neighborhoods for the next disaster, why not look to some natural community centers, branch libraries .. ...
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