ANIMALS - Frogs That Hear With Their Mouth: X-Rays Reveal a New Hearing Mechanism for Animals Without an Ear

Gardiner's frogs from the Seychelles islands, one of the smallest frogs in the world, do not possess a middle ear with an eardrum yet can croak themselves, and hear other frogs. An international team of scientists using X-rays has now solved this mystery and established that these frogs are using their mouth cavity and tissue to transmit sound to their inner ears ...
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ANIMALS - Say what? Human baby brains are wired to hear the call of the lemur

Infants respond to the voices of their doting parents — but it's not just human voices that hold them spellbound. In what may be a hallmark of our ancestry, human brains begin life hard-wired to hear the calls of non-human primates, an ability that fades away after just a few months ...
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BOOKS - An Excerpt from From Within the Heart of God: The Journal of Jesus by Michael Dwinell

Michael Dwinell imagines some of incidents and happenings in the life and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth. In this interpretation of the feeding of the 5000, Jesus offers his slant on the kingdom of God in action in the midst of life ...
BOOKS - An Excerpt from Living Buddha, Living Christ by Thich Nhat Hanh

Vietnamese monk and poet Thich Nhat Hanh salutes the dialogue between Christians and Buddhists as they together face the challenge they face together in bringing peace and compassion to the world. Here is an excerpt on the importance of practice for Christians in the church ...
BOOKS - An Excerpt from Son of Man: The Mystical Path to Christ by Andrew Harvey

In this elegant examination of the meaning of Jesus, based on the latest scholarship and mystical insights, Andrew Harvey discusses the significance of the crucifixion, an event which reveals the importance of both justice and mercy in Jesus' ministry ...
CLIMATE - Prehistoric Climate Shift Linked to Cosmic Impact

For the first time, a dramatic climate shift that has long fascinated scientists has been linked to the impact in Quebec of an asteroid or comet, Dartmouth researchers and their colleagues report in a new study funded by the National Science Foundation ...
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CLIMATE - Are trees in Central Europe defying climate change?

Are trees in Central Europe defying climate change? .. ...
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EARTH - Ancient Japanese Underwater Pyramids
The island of Yonaguni, near Okinawa, Japan has long been a favorite diving spot for swimmers try to get a glance of the numerous hammerhead sharks that swim there. However, in 1995 underwater explorer Kihachirou Aratake found a very large, strange structure under the water. Lying about 60 feet deep, the structure appeared to be man-made. Large steps could be seen, blocks of rock cut at right angles and smoothed. The discovery would send shock wa ...
EARTH - Oxygen's Ancient Rise Still One Of Earth's Biggest Mysteries

Our well-worn textbooks might have us believe that the rise of atmospheric oxygen some 2.45 billion years ago — to levels making complex life tenable over large swaths of this pale blue dot — is a simple calculation brought on by photosynthesis in earth’s early oceans ...
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EARTH - Scientists have unearthed ancient artifacts that are upending the history of mankind
Clovis didn't start in Siberia and migrate to the Carolinas. It started somewhere in South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, or Alabama, and after covering the Deep South, it moved west and north ...
EARTH - TEPCO says not to worry over deadly radioactive water leak at Fukushima

Radioactive water leaks at TEPCO's Fukushima nuclear power plant are not as bad as the press is reporting, said TEPCO on Sunday. Over the weekend TEPCO discovered a leak of radioactive water, at a lethal radiation level, from a storage tank, over which TEPCO says news reports blew the danger out of proportion ...
ECONOMICS - Here's The State Of The World Economy

Today is the perfect day to step back and take a big picture look at the world economy. For one thing, it's Labor Day in the US, so it's a natural time to gain perspective. It's also, fortuitously, PMI Day in the rest of the world, so we have a lot of fresh economic data ...
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ECONOMICS - UK factories 'booming again', PMI data suggests

Manufacturing sector emerges strongly from recession with CIPS/Markit survey showing return of confidenc ...
ENERGY - Laser fusion experiment yields record energy

In the early morning hours of Aug.13, Lawrence Livermore's National Ignition Facility (NIF) focused all 192 of its ultra-powerful laser beams on a tiny deuterium-tritium filled capsule. In the nanoseconds that followed, the capsule imploded and released a neutron yield of nearly 3x1015, or approximately 8,000 joules of neutron energy—approximately three times NIF's previous neutron yield record for cryogenic implosions. Read more at: http://phys. ....
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ENVIRONMENT - Fukushima: Japan promises swift action on nuclear cleanup

Japan's prime minister, Shinzo Abe, has promised to act quickly to address the buildup of huge quantities of contaminated water at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant ...
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MOVIES - 'Plants vs. Zombies 2' At Nearly 25 Million Downloads In Under Two Weeks

“Why is everything moving to freemium?” the gamer crowd cries, myself included, much of the time. This. This is why ...
MUSIC - Male conductors are better for orchestras, says Vasily Petrenko

The principal conductor of the National Youth Orchestra and the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic has provoked outrage by claiming that orchestras "react better when they have a man in front of them" and that "a cute girl on a podium means that musicians think about other things" ...
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PEOPLE - Language and tool-making skills evolved at same time, study says

Research by the University of Liverpool has found that the same brain activity is used for language production and making complex tools, supporting the theory that they evolved at the same time ...
SCIENCE - Custodian of world's longest running experiment dies

The science professor who oversaw the world's longest running laboratory test—the Pitch Drop Experiment—has died after more than half a century on its watch, his university said Monday ...
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SCIENCE - Gel-based audio speaker demonstrates capabilities of ionic conductors, long thought limited in application (w/ Video)

In a materials science laboratory at Harvard University, a transparent disk connected to a laptop fills the room with music—it's the "Morning" prelude from Peer Gynt, played on an ionic speaker ...
SCIENCE - Neutron stars in the computer cloud

The combined computing power of 200,000 private PCs helps astronomers take an inventory of the Milky Way. The Einstein@Home project connects home and office PCs of volunteers from around the world to a global supercomputer. Using this computer cloud, an international team lead by scientists from the Max Planck Institutes for Gravitational Physics and for Radio Astronomy analysed archival data from the CSIRO Parkes radio telescope in Australia. Us ...
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SCIENCE - Quark asymmetries hint at physics beyond the Standard Model

While scientists have become increasingly convinced that the Standard Model of particle physics is incomplete, it's still unclear exactly how the Standard Model needs to be extended. Experiments have shown that the Standard Model cannot explain certain top quark observations, but a variety of extensions of the Standard Model have been proposed to explain them, and it's unclear which extension is correct. In a new paper published in Physical Revie ...
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SCIENCE - The world's first interferometric image at 500 GHz with ALMA Band 8 receivers

ALMA opens another window to the universe in the 500 GHz frequency band. Astronomers successfully synthesized the distribution of atomic carbon around a planetary nebula NGC 6302 in test observations with the ALMA Band 8 receiver, developed by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ). This is the first 500 GHz band astronomical image captured by a radio interferometer with unprecedentedly high resolution ...
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TREES - Red cedar trees rebounded after Clean Air Act

A species of old trees in the Appalachian Mountains is growing faster than expected in the wake of clean-air controls implemented decades ago, a new study shows. The research on eastern red cedar trees — all between 120 and 500 years old — also showed changes in the types of carbon and sulfur in their tree rings a few years after the Clean Air Act was enacted in 1970 ...
URBAN - Here's The Jaguar That A New Building In London Literally Melted With Its Reflection

The big story today is about a new development in London' ...
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WATER - Wave Energy technology produces both clean water and clean energy

Instead of generating electricity at sea and sending it to shore, a different kind of wave energy device is in the works in Australia, and it promises to deliver not only emissions-free electricity, but also emissions-free desalinated water ...
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WIND - Wind Power Growing Outside Of Europe

Energy-rich Norway said it was moving ahead with plans to install more than 1,000 megawatts of wind farms onshore. Norway, Europe’s largest oil producer and the world’s second largest natural gas exporter, has far less wind power on its grid than its neighbors ..
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WORK - 5 Recruiting Habits Of Successful Leaders

At some point in our job-seeking lives, we’ve all interviewed at a company that felt more like a military school than an exciting, flexible, creative, ever-evolving workplace culture. The signs start early in the hiring process: a dry, lifeless job posting or stale employer branding that does not feel inspired. A blizzard of paperwork, including reams of rules and regulations for submitting a resume ...
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